Please Note that this blog is no longer active. For my new blog please go to: I have published a new version of the classic Protege/OWL Pizza tutorial that includes SWRL, SHACL, and SPARQL introductions: and the original SWRL process model can be found here:
Here is the PDF of the tutorial: SWRL Process Modeling Tutorial
The initial ontology to start the tutorial is here: SWRLProcessTutorialStart-V2.owl
The final version of the ontology, with an example waterfall model is here: SWRLProcessTutorialFinal.owl
Thanks to all the people on the Protege user support list for answering my endless stream of questions, special thanks to Martin O'Connor.
If you have questions or comments about the tutorial feel free to email me:
Also, the following document has nothing to do with SWRL but it is something I think many new comers to working with Protege and OWL might find useful. OWL (the language underneath Protege) is based on logic and set theory. For those who don't know or are rusty on those concepts here is a PDF that is a good overview of the basics. Don't be misled by the cover page, this is from a book on Mathematical Methods in Linguistics but this is just the first chapter which is a nice overview of logic and set theory: Partee, et. al. Basic Concepts of Set Theory